A woman and a man leaf through the OCEAN magazine


Two hours of OCEAN TOUR may be long, but sometimes it's not long enough! If you want to find out more about our films and protagonists, you'll find it here on this page!

OCEAN Buddies

One film – two buddies – plenty of questions – and many surprises!

During filming, you spend a lot of time together. But does that mean you really know each other well? We asked around!

Melissa & Dan

Björn & Gerald

Frank & Corey

Interviews & more

Ice Mermaid

Melissa Kegler & Dan McComb

Read interview

Havana Libre

Frank Gonzáles Guerra

Read interview

Peter Hammarstedt

Read interview

Sebastian Unger


Older Than Trees

James Lea

Read interview

Save the oceans

Get active!

10 years of OCEAN

deep dive

Coral reefs in danger

Read article

Vol. 9 | 2023

OCEAN TALKS | Behind the films

Stolen Fish

"Sometimes it's also the audience that teaches you something about your own film." — Gosia Juszczak

How a chance encounter in a bar turned into a great documentary: In our exclusive OCEAN interview, director Gosia Juszczak tells us more about the making of her film "Stolen Fish", the current situation in The Gambia and how important the audience is for her as a filmmaker.

Sweet Adventure

"I don't surf when the good surfers are out. Because somehow I have to maintain my credibility as a filmmaker - precisely because I make surf films!" — Peter Hamblin

Director Peter Hamblin loves surfing, but he also knows that his place is behind the camera. In his film "Sweet Adventure" he takes us on a crazy surf trip to El Salvador.

The Power of Activism

"It's not about despairing about the problems, it's about getting excited about the solutions." — Alice Forrest

Everything in the world has a price - including the work of activists. In "The Power of Activism", Michelle Dado-Millynn and Alice Forrest have proven that it is possible to create not only non-material or social, but also monetary added value. In our OCEAN TALK, they tell us more about their idea of a sustainable lifestyle - and how each and every one of us can make a difference for the environment.

No Limits

"A film is, of course, designed for the visual sense. But with our film, you can also control a lot of sensations via hearing." — Ben Neumann

In the OCEAN TALK, blind surfer Ben Neumann and filmmaker Fabian Gruber give us an exclusive look behind the scenes of "No Limits": a conversation about different kinds of perception, our imagination and imaginary limits.

Streaming OCEAN

Outdoor Cinema is your streaming platform for outdoor & adventure.